Facebook Pizza cases 13H Casolaro Hotellerie Spa
Pizza products

Pizza cases 13H

Each package contains 1 pieces/set

Pizza cases 13H
dimensions cm.60x40x13h. Available white
Pizza dough cases made of alimentary polyethylene. Suitable for food contact. Closed sides. Resistant to temperatures from -40° to +80°C and up to +120°C during washing. Perfect for the maintenance and preservation of the pizza dough. Ideal for storage. Stackable to prevent the entry of dust and impurities. Dishwasher safe.

Unit price € 8,30 + VAT TAX
Package price € 8,30 + VAT TAX
Item: : 03120211
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  • CATEGORIES: Pizza products Pizza dough trays
  • TAGS: Pizza cases , pizza products, --,