Facebook Casolaro Hotellerie Spa | Set 10/20 Micro-perforated silicone Bands

Set 10/20 Micro-perforated silicone Bands

Professional micro-perforated silicone bands ''I Microforati Bands'', which combined with stainless steel cake moulds, guarantee homogeneous cooking without humidity, easy demoulding without breakage and a regular and elegant texture.

They can be used both with non-perforated bands or circles, and with non-perforated mousse circles or rings.
Dishwasher safe
Color: Black
Available sizes:
Set 10 pieces - 625 x h 35 mm
Set 10 pieces - 750 x h 35 mm
Set 10 pieces -260 x h 20 mm

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The images set are for illustrative purposes.
  • CATEGORIES: Pastry Pastry band
  • TAGS: Micro-perforated silicone Band , pastry, moulds, Pastry band , , Martellato